
Dec 2024

Why Consider Helium Leak Testing for integrity testing IV Bags?

Why Consider Helium Leak Testing for integrity testing IV Bags?

Helium leak testing offers a highly sensitive and reliable method for ensuring the integrity of IV bags. By detecting microscopic leaks that other methods might miss, pharmaceutical companies can significantly reduce the risk of product contamination, patient harm, and costly recalls. This technology provides a crucial quality control measure for IV bag manufacturers, safeguarding patient safety and product efficacy.

Importance of IV Bag Integrity

Intravenous (IV) bags is a class of parenteral product, designed to deliver medications and fluids directly into a patient's bloodstream. To ensure patient safety, these bags must be free from any defects that could compromise their integrity. Even the smallest breach in the bag's seal can lead to contamination, leakage, or air exposure, potentially causing serious health risks. Helium leak testing is a highly sensitive technique that can detect microscopic defects that could lead to these issues. By preventing the administration of compromised IV fluids, this technology significantly reduces the risk of adverse health effects and helps pharmaceutical companies comply with strict regulatory standards in pharmaceutical package leak detection.

Helium Leak Testing for Testing Integrity of IV Bags

Helium leak detection is a precise technique that utilizes helium gas to identify leaks in sealed systems. This method is particularly important for pharmaceutical packaging, as even minor breaches can compromise product integrity and patient safety.

How does Helium Leak Detection Work?

  • The package to be tested, such as an IV bag, is placed in a sealed test chamber.
  • A small amount of helium gas is introduced into the chamber.
  • If a leak exists in the package, helium gas will permeate through the defect and enter the chamber.
  • Highly sensitive detectors, often mass spectrometers, continuously monitor the chamber's atmosphere for the presence of helium.
  • If helium is detected, it indicates a leak. The system can pinpoint the exact location of the leak with remarkable accuracy.

Benefits of Helium Leak Testing

  • Helium leak detection system is a highly sensitive, detecting even the smallest leaks.
  • This method provides quantitative measurements of leak rates, allowing for precise comparisons between different packaging materials, formats, and production processes.
  • Helium leak testing helps pharmaceutical companies comply with stringent regulatory standards for container closure integrity.
  • By identifying and addressing potential leaks early in the production process, helium leak testing can help improve product quality and reduce the risk of product recalls.

helium leak testing, helium leak detection, pharmaceutical package leak detection
Sep 2022

How can Manufacturers Ensure Integrity of Combination Products Using Helium Leak Testing?

How can Manufacturers Ensure Integrity of Combination Products Using Helium Leak Testing?

Combination products, which provide effective and novel treatment options and approaches across various disease states, have made a significant influence on the healthcare landscape in recent years. The acceleration of growth in this field of science and medicine is expected to continue propelling at an increased rate. The packaging and device industry has focused its innovation specifically on combination therapeutics to fulfill the demands of both drug developers and patients. To ensure that the best results may be obtained, these therapeutic products need to be tested for integrity and quality using a very sophisticated approach.

Challenges Faced by Combination Products

Patient safety can be improved by addressing these three challenges.

  • Device Robustness and Reliability
  • If a pharmaceutical or biologic is not administered safely, properly, and consistently, it cannot benefit the patient. The delivery method for this is a sturdy, dependable device, and the technique to make sure that the device performs as intended is through the design control process. Verification testing is an important stage that ensures the device has been developed appropriately and operates dependably in accordance with established patient needs and drug specifications. Additionally, it assesses how well the product will withstand in the most adverse circumstances, which may include drops, climatic extremes, and moisture exposure.

  • Drug - device integration
  • When developing combination products, it's crucial to take the interaction between the device and the drug into consideration. The FDA categorizes combination products into nine separate categories, which include pre-filled drug devices or delivery systems as well as devices that have been coated, impregnated, or mixed with drugs or biologics. The development process can be considerably influenced by the precise combination of components as well as the crucial interfaces.

  • Accommodating various volumes
  • Large drug volumes have been difficult for patients to self-administer using devices like autoinjectors, pens, or pre-filled syringes. But the development of wearable devices is changing the game by enabling greater volumes to be administered subcutaneously over a longer period. This increases the potential for patient-centered healthcare but poses a number of manufacturing and packaging challenges.

Here, we will discuss how helium leak testing helps in testing the combination products.

Testing Integrity of Combination Products Using Helium Leak Testing

Helium leak detection is a highly sensitive technology for identifying leaks in any closed or sealed system using helium gas and monitoring the concentration of the gas as it escapes due to a leak. The integrity of a variety of complicated pharmaceutical and parenteral products may be evaluated using helium leak detection. Combination products, cold form blister packs, foil pouches, pre-filled syringes, and many more drug packages can be tested using helium leak testing. This technique is the best option for verifying the integrity of pharmaceutical products since it can accurately determine integrity between certain major container closure system components.

Helium leak detection works as follows: The package is initially vacuumed and helium filled. The quantity of helium leaving the package is then measured quantitatively and expressed as a leak rate using a helium leak detector. Helium leak testing is used in product design, product quality evaluations, failure analyses, and validation in addition to examining the integrity of container closures. It is possible to test "in-leakage" or "out-leakage" as well as the location of leaks using helium leak testing, which may be employed with or without a test chamber.

Helium Leak Testing Applications

  • Seal integrity monitoring during stability studies.
  • Useful in the early stages of developing a drug product packaging system.
  • Selecting closure formulation and configuration.
  • Ensuring container closure integrity.
  • Verify and predict shelf-life seal integrity.

The need for complex drug delivery systems and combination products continues to fuel the development of new products and innovation within the medical device industry. At PTI, we understand that the combination of medical devices and pharmaceuticals opens a world of promising new opportunities. PTI has the experience and expertise necessary to seize these opportunities and assist clients in testing combination products.

helium leak testing, helium leak detection, helium mass spectrometry, pharmaceutical package leak detection, helium CCIT
Sep 2022

How to Leak Test Blister Packs Using SIMS 1915+?

How to Leak Test Blister Packs Using SIMS 1915+?

Do you rely only on the traditional blue dye leak test method to ensure the integrity of blister packaging? While background knowledge of preventing blister pack leaks is recommended, package integrity testing is necessary.

Pharmaceutical package leak detection ensures that the product remains safe and effective in the packaging while maintaining sterility. A proper sterile container prevents air penetration and maintains product safety and effectiveness. Ingress of air from blister pack leaks, such as micro leaks and pinholes, may have a severe negative impact on pharmaceuticals, therefore you must be completely confident in your pharmaceutical package integrity, ensuring it passes the required integrity test. The best way to ensure that the pharmaceutical packaging has no significant blister pack leaks is with the helium leak detection method.

SIMS 1915+ for Blister Pack Leak Testing

Seal Integrity Monitoring System (SIMS) 1915+ helium leak detection is an ideal solution for testing the integrity of cold form blister packs. The packages may be quantitatively evaluated using helium as the tracer gas, which provides more precision than typical vacuum bubble and dye penetration test processes. This approach allows for the lifetime comparison of various packing materials and forms, as well as production line settings and stable storage conditions. LDA SIMS 1915+ is a tried-and-true method for a wide range of package types, including foil pouches, parenteral vials, syringes, bottles, pre-filled syringes, and unique medical devices. It can be used for package design, tooling qualification, production line setup, and ongoing product quality monitoring.

Each SIMS 1915+ helium leak testing equipment is built to the customer's specifications. It is composed of an oil-free pump, detector, and integrated power system that enables quantitative analysis of package systems at sensitivity levels as low as 1 x 10 -10 mbar L/s at room temperature. The most basic component is the Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM), which is built within a Console Frame Assembly that includes a Stainless Steel working surface and an optional Dual Test Port Manifold. The freestanding consoles are easy to use and relocate since they include a locking wheel and an articulating arm mechanism for attaching the computer and accessories.

Helium Leak Detection SIMS 1915+ Configurations for CCI

  • Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM): Oil-Free, Production version in Console Frame Assembly, with Stainless Steel working surface and Nitrogen Vent Supply System for the Helium Leak Detector Module.
  • Vacuum Test Fixture Model (VTFM): a custom-made fixture for testing vial container samples.
  • Model VM-2 Head Space Analyzer Module (HSAM): includes three (3) Puncture Probes (two spares) for determining Helium Concentration in the headspace of vial containers.
  • Dual Test Port Manifold that allows concurrent use of VTFM & HSAM on HLDM unit.
  • An integral Calibration Chamber (with Calibrant Gas Flow Meter/Controller) for HSAM Calibration and a Universal Holder for various vial sizes are offered.
  • Helium Leak Standard Calibrated Externally for System Calibration/Validation.

Blister Packs are intended to protect the contents from both internal leakage and contamination from outside sources. Helium leak testing is a CCI test method used to locate and measure leaks in medical and pharmaceutical packaging to ensure package and seal integrity. The package can be tested alone or with the contents inside. With over 25 years of expertise in the pharmaceutical packaging industry, LDA (a PTI Company) is continually looking ahead to enhance blister pack leak detection.

helium leak testing, helium leak detection, blister pack leak detection, pharmaceutical package leak detection, helium CCIT
Sep 2022

Bottle Leak Testing Using Helium - Tracer Gas Method

Bottle Leak Testing Using Helium - Tracer Gas Method

Pharmaceutical bottle integrity testing is an important step in assuring that the product is safe and unadulterated. It analyzes the strength and integrity of the closure mechanism as well as its capacity to maintain a sterile barrier. Container closure integrity testing analyzes the materials and chemicals for the possibility of migration or leaching into the drug product, resulting in contamination. Microorganisms, gases, and other chemicals are examples of contaminants. Container system integrity testing involves evaluating primary packaging, or everything that comes into direct touch with the product, as well as secondary packaging components required for package assembly. Helium leak detection, airborne ultrasound, vacuum decay, and high voltage leak detection are all methods for verifying the safety of container closures.

Helium Leak Detection to Ensure the Integrity of Bottles

Helium leak detection is referred to as a method of finding leaks in a sealed or enclosed system using the helium tracer gas method. The amount of helium that leaks through a breach is measured and is stated as a leak rate. It is an effective container closure integrity test technique for determining the integrity of pharmaceutical and parenteral products. Helium leak testing guarantees the sterility of drug substances and drug products packaged and, therefore, enhances patient safety.

In this method, the package is filled with helium and subjected to vacuum. The quantity of helium that exits the package is measured using a helium leak detector. The result is expressed as the leak rate. Helium leak testing, in addition to being a highly sensitive container closure integrity test technique, is also useful in product design, product quality analyses, failure analysis, and validation.

What are the Applications of Helium Leak Testing?

Some of the most important applications of helium leak testing include:

  • Ensuring container closure integrity.
  • Selecting closure formulation and configuration.
  • Seal integrity monitoring during stability studies.
  • Verification and prediction of shelf-life seal integrity.
  • Useful in the early stages of developing a pharmaceutical product packaging system.

Helium leak detection offered by LDA (a PTI company) is one of the commonly used leak testing methods that can be used for pharmaceutical package leak detection. Bottles can be tested very effectively using this method. The applications of helium leak detection are also found in vials, prefilled syringes, foil pouches, and cold form blister cards. LDA has long-time expertise in designing leak testing equipment for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

helium leak detection, helium leak testing, pharmaceutical package leak detection, pharmaceutical leak detection, helium leak detector
Mar 2022

Understanding Combination Products Leak Detection Using SIMS 1915+

Understanding Combination Products Leak Detection Using SIMS 1915+

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements for drug testing of combination products are strict. Companies seeking FDA clearance for such products must fully understand the requirements for FDA approval in order to prevent costly and time-consuming errors. Combination products are made up of two or more regulated components, such as pharmaceuticals, devices, or biologicals, that have been physically, chemically, or otherwise combined and formed as a single entity to achieve a therapeutic effect. A combination product can combine at least two of these product categories, and sometimes all three. Traditional drug-device combination products, such as a syringe pre-filled with a drug, auto-injectors containing a filled cartridge and needle, and co-packaged or kitted products, are some of the most common types of combination products.

The constantly increasing demand for combination pharmaceutical products continues to fuel innovation and creates numerous interesting opportunities that will provide the medical community with promising new alternatives for improving patient care and results. However, bringing bio/pharmaceuticals and medical devices together to form a combination product necessitates extensive testing of all product ingredients.

Why Use SIM 1915+ for Leak Testing Combination Products?

A Helium-based leak detection system-Seal Integrity Monitoring System (SIMS) 1915+ is an excellent solution for detecting leaks in combination products. Packages may be quantitatively evaluated using helium as the tracer gas, which assures better levels of accuracy when compared to traditional vacuum bubble and dye penetration test procedures. SIMS 1915+, which has been proven to be an effective leak detection approach, may also be utilized for package design, tooling certification, manufacturing line setup, and ongoing product quality monitoring. PTI custom builds each SIMS 1915+ Helium Leak Testing device to customer specifications. Cold form blister cards, foil pouches, parenteral vials, syringes, pre-filled syringes, and unique medical devices can also be tested using SIMS 1915+.

Technology Overview

SIMS Model 1915+ helium-based leak testing system offered by PTI is specifically designed for medical and pharmaceutical package leak detection. The SIMS 1915+ enables quantitative analysis of package systems at sensitivity levels as low as 1 x 10 -10 cc/s at room temperature. The Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM), the most crucial component, is built within a Console Frame Assembly with a Stainless Steel working surface and an optional Dual Test Port Manifold. The consoles have a locking wheel and an articulating arm system for attaching the computer and peripherals, making the independent device simple to operate and maneuver.

The SIMS 1915+ Leak Detection System specs and add-on components are shown below.

  • Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM): Oil-Free, Production Version in Console Frame Assembly with Stainless Steel Working Surface and Dual Test Port Manifold.
  • Vacuum Test Fixture Model (VTFM): a custom-made fixture for testing vial container samples.
  • Head Space Analyzer Module (HSAM): Model VM-2 that includes three (3) Puncture Probes (two spares) for determining the concentration of helium in the headspace of vial containers.
  • Integral Calibration Chamber (with Calibrant Gas Flow Meter/Controller) for HSAM Calibration and a Universal Holder for various vial diameters are offered.
  • Helium Filling Device designed specifically for vial testing sample prep that allows vials to be filled with helium.
  • Low Temperature (LT) Add-on devices created particularly for evaluating products in ultra-cold storage temperatures as low as –140 °C.

SIMS 1915+ Applications

Common applications of SIMS 1915+ include:

  • Pre-filled syringes
  • Vials
  • Bottles
  • Combination products
  • Foil pouches
  • Blister packs

Combination products provide a safe, effective, and convenient method of administering the drug or biologic therapies. The purpose of testing combination products is to obtain information to support the claim that all use-related hazards connected with the product have been reduced to the greatest extent possible. PTI is well-versed in the extensive testing requirements and regulatory criteria for bio/pharmaceutical products and medical devices, and provides complete testing services for these components, both individually and in combination.

helium-based leak detection systems, helium leak testing, pharmaceutical leak detection, helium leak detection, pharmaceutical package leak detection, sims 1915+
Jan 2022

How Helium Mass Spectrometry Ensures Quality and Integrity of Bottles?


Maintaining the integrity of products from the time it is manufactured to the time it is distributed to the patient is a great challenge. Liquid pharmaceuticals, capsules, and formed tablets are typically packaged in bottles. To assure the quality of these items, leak testing is carried out on each bottle to ensure that it does not leak. Testing pharmaceutical bottles or pharmaceutical package leak detection before filling is a critical step in ensuring the integrity of the container.

Helium leak testing is one of the most sensitive Container Closure Integrity (CCI) testing techniques that can be applied to pharmaceutical bottles for testing quality. Helium is used as a tracer gas, and the quantity of helium leaving through the package is measured and stated as leak rate. Since it is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-condensable, helium is an ideal tracer gas for finding leaks. Its atmospheric presence is restricted to 5ppm. Due to its tiny atomic size, helium can easily pass-through leaks. Helium is also safe to use since it does not react with the materials of the components under test.

Significance of Helium Mass Spectrometry in Leak Testing Pharmaceutical Bottles

Helium mass spectrometry is a leak detection standard for pharmaceutical containers including bottles. Helium mass spectrometer, a commonly used instrument detects and locates tiny leaks. It usually works with a vacuum chamber and a sealed container filled with helium. A mass spectrometer detects the rate at which helium is leaking out of the container. This method uses tracer gas - helium to fill the product attached to the detector. The tested product leaks helium into the detector, where its partial pressure is measured and displayed.

The leak detector's principle is based on a sector field mass spectrometer. In vacuum, entering helium gases are ionized. The helium ions are then accelerated by adding voltage and then separated in a magnetic field. The ion current is converted to an electric current by using a particular detector. This current is accelerated using leak detection units and displayed on the screen. The current measured will be directly proportional to the concentration of helium and therefore equal to the leak measured.

Applications of Helium Leak Detection

  • Ensure container closure integrity.
  • Seal integrity monitoring during stability studies.
  • Verify and predict shelf-life seal integrity.
  • Useful in the early stages of the development of a pharmaceutical product packaging system.
  • Closure formulation and configuration selection.

Bottles are useful in the healthcare industry, hence evaluating them is a challenging task nowadays. These containers are extremely difficult to test, however, helium leak detection can be used to qualify them prior to use or as a proof of concept. PTI provides professional engineering solutions for the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) sterile container testing.

helium mass spectrometry, pharmaceutical package leak detection, pharmaceutical leak detection, mass spectrometer, mass spectrometry
Nov 2021

Applications of Helium Leak Testing Across Different Industries


Helium leak detection is referred to as the process of detecting leaks in various packaged or sealed systems by utilizing helium as tracer gas and measuring its concentration as it escapes due to leakage. A package system such as a vial that consists of a container and an elastomeric closure, is a good example. The vial is filled with helium and vacuum is applied. The quantity of helium that escapes from the package is quantified and expressed as a leak rate. A pre-filled syringe, a foil pouch, or a cold form blister card are some more examples of package systems. Each of these package types is designed to keep the pharmaceutical product enclosed while keeping out potentially harmful environmental pollutants like dust, bacteria, or even gases. The helium leak testing method can evaluate each of them.

Helium leak testing is widely utilized in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries because of its relevance in guaranteeing package integrity and quality. Now, let us see how these sectors benefit by using this technique.

1. Pharmaceutical Industry: The pharmaceutical industry has experienced enormous progress in terms of technological developments and drug delivery system innovations over the last two decades. However, such developments have created new quality assurance challenges for drug manufacturers. As a result, pharmaceutical manufacturers give major priority to both quality control procedures and pharmaceutical package leak detection.

CCI Testing is a leak detection technique that evaluates the capacity of container closure systems to maintain a sterile barrier against external contamination. These tests may be divided into two types: probabilistic test and deterministic test. Although probabilistic test methods like Bubble Tests and Dye Ingress were initially common, due to technological advancements, non-destructive approaches are now the preferred way for ensuring container integrity. Hence, pharmaceutical manufacturers are encouraged to switch to more dependable deterministic test methods, such as helium leak detection, which offer quantitative findings that are assured and precise. By using helium leak detection early in the development process, companies can improve the quality of their drug delivery system. This not only saves money and time, but also improves safety.

2. Medical Devices Industry: In the medical device industry, package integrity testing is important since product failure presents considerable risks to patients and healthcare professionals, as well as liability for manufacturers. Barriers between fluids or gases are frequently used in medical equipment. These barriers must be functional in order to safeguard the patient and, in many cases, the medical equipment. Some devices operate as channels for delivering or extracting fluids to or from specific parts of the body. If a leak develops along the channel, fluids might be supplied to the incorrect place by mistake or wrong fluids could be extracted, resulting in hazardous effects. As a result, medical device industries use various CCI test methods including helium leak testing to ensure package integrity.

Helium leak testing is the most common tracer gas method in the medical device industry. Helium or a helium-air combination is used to pressurize the test component within a vacuum chamber. The chamber enclosing the part is next evacuated, generating a vacuum that allows the helium to enter the chamber through any leaks. A mass spectrometer designed to detect helium takes a sample of the vacuum chamber and ionizes any helium detected. Even a small amount of helium is easily detected in this method.

The major reason for choosing the tracer gas technique by manufacturers is the necessity for high leak-detection sensitivity in particular medical device equipment applications. Product testing is a crucial part of the device production process in the medical industry. As quality requirements have gotten increasingly strict, leak testing has become increasingly important for medical equipment as well as pharmaceutical manufacturers.

helium leak detection, helium test, leak detection, helium detector, helium leak testing, pharmaceutical package leak detection

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