
Sep 2022

How to Leak Test Blister Packs Using SIMS 1915+?

How to Leak Test Blister Packs Using SIMS 1915+?

Do you rely only on the traditional blue dye leak test method to ensure the integrity of blister packaging? While background knowledge of preventing blister pack leaks is recommended, package integrity testing is necessary.

Pharmaceutical package leak detection ensures that the product remains safe and effective in the packaging while maintaining sterility. A proper sterile container prevents air penetration and maintains product safety and effectiveness. Ingress of air from blister pack leaks, such as micro leaks and pinholes, may have a severe negative impact on pharmaceuticals, therefore you must be completely confident in your pharmaceutical package integrity, ensuring it passes the required integrity test. The best way to ensure that the pharmaceutical packaging has no significant blister pack leaks is with the helium leak detection method.

SIMS 1915+ for Blister Pack Leak Testing

Seal Integrity Monitoring System (SIMS) 1915+ helium leak detection is an ideal solution for testing the integrity of cold form blister packs. The packages may be quantitatively evaluated using helium as the tracer gas, which provides more precision than typical vacuum bubble and dye penetration test processes. This approach allows for the lifetime comparison of various packing materials and forms, as well as production line settings and stable storage conditions. LDA SIMS 1915+ is a tried-and-true method for a wide range of package types, including foil pouches, parenteral vials, syringes, bottles, pre-filled syringes, and unique medical devices. It can be used for package design, tooling qualification, production line setup, and ongoing product quality monitoring.

Each SIMS 1915+ helium leak testing equipment is built to the customer's specifications. It is composed of an oil-free pump, detector, and integrated power system that enables quantitative analysis of package systems at sensitivity levels as low as 1 x 10 -10 mbar L/s at room temperature. The most basic component is the Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM), which is built within a Console Frame Assembly that includes a Stainless Steel working surface and an optional Dual Test Port Manifold. The freestanding consoles are easy to use and relocate since they include a locking wheel and an articulating arm mechanism for attaching the computer and accessories.

Helium Leak Detection SIMS 1915+ Configurations for CCI

  • Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM): Oil-Free, Production version in Console Frame Assembly, with Stainless Steel working surface and Nitrogen Vent Supply System for the Helium Leak Detector Module.
  • Vacuum Test Fixture Model (VTFM): a custom-made fixture for testing vial container samples.
  • Model VM-2 Head Space Analyzer Module (HSAM): includes three (3) Puncture Probes (two spares) for determining Helium Concentration in the headspace of vial containers.
  • Dual Test Port Manifold that allows concurrent use of VTFM & HSAM on HLDM unit.
  • An integral Calibration Chamber (with Calibrant Gas Flow Meter/Controller) for HSAM Calibration and a Universal Holder for various vial sizes are offered.
  • Helium Leak Standard Calibrated Externally for System Calibration/Validation.

Blister Packs are intended to protect the contents from both internal leakage and contamination from outside sources. Helium leak testing is a CCI test method used to locate and measure leaks in medical and pharmaceutical packaging to ensure package and seal integrity. The package can be tested alone or with the contents inside. With over 25 years of expertise in the pharmaceutical packaging industry, LDA (a PTI Company) is continually looking ahead to enhance blister pack leak detection.

helium leak testing, helium leak detection, blister pack leak detection, pharmaceutical package leak detection, helium CCIT
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